A few simple questions
As it’s becoming more and more important to be customer focused we are aiming to better understand what people and potential clients need. So, we’ve created a Survey Monkey questionnaire around the subject of my forthcoming book Legally Branded which will be published this Spring.
The book is aimed at businesses who often need to know how trade mark and intellectual property law affects their decisions, such as on choice of new products names. Intellectual property issues also frequently come up when a business is commissioning works protected by copyright, or simply when they want to use existing copyright material as part of their brand marketing campaigns.
Please answer the general questionnaire unless you’re an agency that advises clients on naming or branding projects in which case answer the agency questionnaire. If you’re a trade mark or other IP specialist please don’t complete the survey as it will probably skew the results.
General questionnaire
Agency questionnaire
We will be collecting results at the end of this month (31st January), so should you not find the time to get through the questionnaire before then there is no need to look at it.
Many thanks.