George Hadwick’s IP Rap – The Legally Branded Book Launch
Legally Branded was released at our successful launch party at the British Library on 11 September. The night was a blur of activity, filled with networking the chance to take part in an IP quiz, in order to learn something about IP.
George Hadwick then gave an incisive and impressive summary of the event! He succinctly summed up the book, Tibor Gold’s introductions, Shireen Smith’s speech, and Jeremy Philips’ talk, as well as key take home messages about Intellectual Property in the form of a rap. Here is a video of it:
As the sun lowered in the London skies
We gathered – a room full of legal eagles and KPIs
To celebrate the launch of a vital tome
To which I shall try to do justice in this? poem?
For those who want to ensure they’re legally branded
Azrights’ Shireen’s got the key understandings
In a demanding world where history’s a brand new page
With the internet blurring the edges in a digital age
You must make sure your business has solid legal foundations
With an IP plan to gain wealth from your great innovations
So Engage with Shireen’s three step directive
For an IP plan that’s the most cost-effective
Way to maximise your IP and guarantee it’s protected
Step one – know your business objectives
Next step is, determine your IP needs
Everything from brands and trade-marks to licensees
And step three, you got implement your plan
I’m told innovative law firms such as Azrights can “Give fixed prices for any legal work an SME needs So you can have certainty about the overall fees”
But we didn’t come here to see me read a book
So right about now let’s take a look
At the content rich talks from our feature speakers
What a privilege to witness such industry leaders
Introductions by Tibor who’s easily persuaded
Using Russian dolls to illustrate the points he’s making
Stating that in IP Jeremy needs no surname at all
Because whatever the question he’s the guy you call
Ingenious inclusive and everything in between
Talking on what branding innovation could truly mean
Jacket off and nearly so much more
As he proceeded to talk about pawn
And thankfully the other chess pieces as well
The key message he came to tell
Is that pawns are vital in the wider game
When they get to the end everything’s changed
Jeremy states the UK’s pawns are our SMEs
Who in time become foundations of our economy
Harrods, Clarks and our national library
We’re all themselves once little SMEs
But presently, our government’s inability to act
Means the power of UK IP seriously lacks
We can fight back by moaning, or honour Shireen
Cos she’s brought substance to political lip-service dreams
Shireen caught Tibor’s attention by her courage and passion
Because her own practice she was determined to fashion
She began by expressing her deep gratitude
For tonight’s attendance by all of you
In truth IP’s a right you can have for intangible things
Use it right and significant wealth it brings
But know it’s not something you automatically own
And in the digital age the competition has grown
So honing a brand is absolutely essential
And trying to define it at times might send you mental
It’s a way of standing out and meeting a need in the market
You don’t need the logos and visuals as soon as you’ve started
But once established, you’ve got to get the IP sorted don’t follow scrabulus and get your apps aborted
Advice should be sought right from the beginning
Build it in from the start and you’re sure to be winning
Listen IP is what can give you that stand out brand
That can spread far beyond the shores of our land
Having a descriptive name can be a temporary fix
But once the business is viable, then rebrand quick
Stick to a strategy that’s coherent with your
IP plan And Don’t be afraid to let Shireen take you by the hand
And guide you through the minefield of brand creation
Launching her branding consultancy – truly a cause for elation
So be taking the opportunity to seize your free consultation
You’ll be on the way to a great IP situation
So…how do we wRAP this legally branded rhyme
Well I hope this is the book you’ll have in mind
Anytime you need to ensure your business is seen and known
Or you want reap the benefits of the IP seeds you’ve grown
Shireen’s shown – if you want a legal team to execute your plans right
You better get legally branded – and talk to Azrights
And don’t leave tonight without this wisdom pearl
Ideas are more powerful than all the armies of the world
So ensure yours are protected and you earn what you deserve
Cos it’s about more than a name – it’s your gift to the earth
Find out more about George Hardwick by visiting his website www.GeorgeHardwick.com