Getting Ready for 2024
As we head towards 2024 I’d like to share with you how I set my objectives for the coming year, because I think it might be useful to you.
A few months ago I read Tara Swart’s book, The Source, and was inspired to reassess my goals for my life and business.
The book brings an evidence-based approach to new age concepts like the Law of Attraction.
As I went through it I realised we all have the ability to create the life we want.
I created a vision board next to my desk and have gradually added images to it to reflect the future I want to see happen.
One of the goals on that vision board has already become reality.
It was incredibly easy to decide my overall objectives for the long term (3-5 years) as a result of doing this exercise.
Once my objectives were clear, it was relatively simple to create my strategy for 2024 to work towards my long term goals.
If you’ve not yet decided the changes you want to make for your life and business, I suggest trying this approach.
Let me know how you get on.
In the meantime, I’d like to thank clients for your business this year. And thank you everyone for being on this list.
I hope you and your team have a good Christmas if you celebrate it, and Happy New Year.
Till then…. Happy Holidays.