Hosting Agreements
Adequate hosting is crucial to maintaining an effective online presence. If a website buckles under the pressure of millions of visitors just as a critical marketing campaign comes to a head, the repercussions will be felt by your bottom line.
Similarly, if you are a hosting provider then matching your capacity with your obligations under agreements with customers is central to managing expectations, and avoiding disputes.
What issues might be covered by hosting agreements?
As a hosting provider, you will want to engender trust, and avoid disputes by developing clear and unambiguous terms on which to do business.
- Hosting agreements might sound straightforward, but a wide range of considerations arise, beyond everyday contractual issues.
- Your level of service must be adequate and allow sufficient bandwidth, processing power, storage, availability and functionality
- Maintenance and updates, technical support, backup strategies and security are also crucial
- Online businesses are likely to require a privacy policy to ensure that any data held by the website is handled in accordance with data protection law and appropriately ensures confidentiality.
- Hosting a website involves use of a lot of intellectual property, and it is important to ensure that the hosting agreement sets out in detail who owns the intellectual property.
- The host will want to avoid liability for content posted on the website by the customer or their users, for example content which is offensive, constitutes defamation, or breaches intellectual property rights.
How can we help?
We have a strong understanding of the web and internet technologies, and expertise in drafting commercial contracts, advising on information technology, intellectual property, data protection, confidentiality.
We can help you to ensure that your hosting agreements are adequate to meet the needs of your business.