Intellectual Property Revolution Book Launch Highlights
We celebrated the launch of my second book, the Intellectual Property Revolution at the Institute of Directors on 13 October. Below is the video highlighting the event.
This was 3 years after my first book, Legally Branded, was launched. Two excellent speakers – Daniel Priestley and Will Critchlow – supported me, and the guests included many clients. Those attending ranged from entrepreneurs and business owners to branding agencies and start-ups.
The book became a bestseller in the Intellectual Property category on Amazon even before the launch, and has remained in the top 20 Kindle charts ever since. It also occasionally hits the number one spot for paperbacks too, and my other book, Legally Branded, is now also enjoying spectacular success on Amazon too.
Take a look at the video highlights of the launch, where some Azrights clients explain why IP is important to them.
Daniel Priestley, co-founder and CEO of Entrevo said “I genuinely believe that we are going through times that are revolutionary. We are reorganising the way in which the world works. Intellectual property is the new home ownership. Millennials have said that they’d prefer a start-up to a home. A lot of people who, had they been born in another time, would have been buying houses are now throwing their time and energy into creating start-ups and intellectual property. So it stands to reason that they want to know how to identify, value and protect their IP.”
While Will Critchlow, co-founder and CEO of Distilled, an online marketing agency, emphasised the importance of getting IP advice at the outset. As he put it, “if they end up having to rebrand because they infringe on another business’ IP, they can lose all of the hard work that they’ve built up.”
I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the reason for the success my books are enjoying on Amazon is down to this fantastic video I had produced before the launch of the book. Take a look and let me know what you think of it in the comment box below.