Intellectual Property Revolution – Huge Success for Shireen Smith’s New Book
We successfully celebrated IP lawyer Shireen Smith’s book launch on Tuesday, 13 October. The book reached number one in the Amazon Kindle charts for intellectual property, and is in the top three at the time of writing.Here is a link to Bloomberg’s coverage of the launch. The article highlights the importance of integrating IP into the branding process, among other things.
Intellectual Property Revolution is about how to successfully manage IP assets, protect brands and add value to businesses in the digital economy. It is written in plain English and is intended for use by business owners and ‘brand guardians’. Shireen believes that branded business owners – alongside branding agencies, designers and advertisers who support brand identities – are missing out by not integrating with an IP specialist to ensure that the brands and identities they create are sound from an intellectual property perspective and potentially valuable.
At the book launch event Shireen said, “One aspect of IP law is to determine ownership rights of intangible assets such as names, logos websites software music photos. The law can be a minefield in the area because the person who is assumed to be the owner of an asset is not necessarily the owner. This is why it is important to consult an IP lawyer early in a business’ development.
“If names are chosen without involving a trade mark expert, the business is at risk of losing out. The loss isn’t necessarily always apparent. A poor choice of name relative to the business’ goals can lead to a constant loss of value or difficulty in securing registration either in the UK or in other countries.”
The later in a business’ development a rebranding takes place, the more damaging it can be. For the majority of start-up businesses, resources are limited so many business owners experience fearfulness or trepidation towards consulting lawyers with open-ended fees. Azrights offers fixed-price packages to encourage start-ups to protect their assets.
A video explaining more about how the digital economy is changing IP can be found here.
You can buy ‘Intellectual Property Revolution’ on Amazon. If you enjoy reading it, please leave a review. The Amazon algorithm loves reviews.