Is Copyright Worth More Than Patents? – Latest Development On Oracle v. Google
Oracle has demonstrated that copyright can be a highly valuable and strategic intellectual property asset worth more than some patents. In Shireen Smith’s earlier post ‘Are APIs Protected By Copyright? – Google v Oracle’ the far reaching implications of copyright in Java APIs owned by Oracle and used by Google in their Android operating software were discussed.
With an 80% presence in all smartphone, tablets, televisions, wearable and even cars, Android technology has ‘permeated’ society, of which Google sustains a considerable profit. It seems set that Oracle are planning to bring an action against Google as suggested by a letter from Oracle’s head counsel whom has requested approval to file a supplemental complaint. This time it will be to claim damages for continued use of Oracle’s Java APIs through the exploitation of new versions of Android.
Find out more on the FOSS patents blog which looks at the letter setting out the grounds for the complaint.