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UK’s first virtual Trade Mark service

Press Release: Azrights creates UK’s first virtual Trade Mark service for law firms

February 17, 2011

In a UK first, Azrights Solicitors has developed a ‘virtual’ trade mark registration service for use by other law firms.

For a small fee, law firms can sign up for a ‘white label’ trade mark registration service, where all work is undertaken by intellectual property specialist solicitors Azrights.

Firms keep control by having web-based remote access to their client’s files, while a dedicated web site provides firms with standard letters of engagement, factsheets and other tools available to help them market the service to clients.

Shireen Smith of Azrights said:

“Increasingly company lawyers are required to complete trademark work as part of corporate deals, while a lot of IP firms simply don’t do trademark registration. Our service fills a gap in the marketplace and allows law firms the luxury of adding a ‘virtual trade mark registration department’ to their practice.

“We offer a seamless and simple solution, giving remote access to client files via a Sharepoint system hosted by Microsoft in the Cloud. As far as the client is concerned, the relationship remains with the main law firm.”


Shireen Smith on 020 7700 1414 or [email protected]

Notes to Editors

The service does not require law firms to get involved in forwarding emails or letters.  All emails are sent out using their domain address, and written on notepaper using their own letterhead.

About Azrights
Azrights Solicitors, based in Islington, London, are a specialist Intellectual Property and Internet law firm providing International trademark registration and other IP services. For further information visit or read our earlier press release here.