Press Release: Website Contract in Context
March 23, 2010
Azrights Launch Website Contract in Context: Helping Small Businesses Get the Right Frills, and the Right Skills… and Smaller Bills
Azrights Solicitors announce the launch of their new on-line multimedia product, Website Contract in Context, which provides small businesses and start ups with practical help on how to get a website, and the research, processes, players and legal agreements necessary for success. Law firms are under pressure to deliver legal services more cost effectively, and in alternative ways to the traditional one to one consultancy model. At the same time, the internet is now an essential marketplace and tool for business. However the costs of obtaining impartial, professional and legal advice prevents many businesses from getting the best from their investment in an on-line presence, and in some cases they can even fail altogether. The new product is aimed to inform and provide practical help to businesses so they can avoid expensive mistakes.
(View the original release at PRWeb) With the Legal Services Act 2007 likely to shake up the market for legal services next year when the first Alternative Business Structures will be licensed, law firms are under pressure to deliver legal services more cost effectively, and in alternative ways to the traditional one to one consultancy model.
Website Contract in Context, from Azrights Intellectuap Property and Internet Solicitors does just that
It is an innovative way for delivering business guidance on how small businesses can effectively specify their website requirements. It comes with an extensive multimedia course about websites, a website requirements checklist, contract template written in plain English. The product is created in conjunction with Ferreter.net, a web development company.
Last month Azrights released a similar SEO Contract in Context product, which is currently a free resource.
Shireen Smith had the idea for the product as a result of workshops she has been running at the British Library’s BIPC since June last year.
The Website Contract in Context product is also available for licensing by lawyers and other business advisers wanting to offer an advisory service to their clients for a 6 month trial period. By accessing the system they can gain more insight into different types of online presence and the commercial issues surrounding these contracts. Internet consultants have traditionally adopted a very informal approach, many of them not using contracts at all. As this is to the disadvantage of the buyer who has less clarity about what they are being sold, it is important that lawyers should offer advice to their clients on internet matters.