SEO Contract
If a customer searches for your business or for goods and services you sell, it is important that your website comes up in the top listings on Google at least for some of the search terms they use.
Ensuring that your business is well placed in internet search listings is a key way to reach your customers, and is known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
- If you engage an SEO company, then your agreement should be in writing to make sure your interests are properly protected, and that you get what you expect for your investment.
- These agreements require lawyers with a good grasp of SEO and technical issues. As lawyers focused on digital business we are well placed to understand the complexities of any agreement you are asked to sign.
- Undertaking SEO activities involves intellectual property considerations and it is important to have a written contract in place.
- Buyer beware is the mantra of the law.
Even if you outsource your SEO due to lack of time and resources to undertake the work yourself, it may make sense to have some internal procedures to ensure SEO is top of mind.
Having expert advice on the SEO contract will help you to manage your commercial risks and give you more confidence when dealing with contractors.
What if you are an SEO company?
We also act for SEO companies. If you are an SEO agency and need assistance in preparing standard terms or negotiating a contract to provide SEO services.
We have the experience and expertise to appreciate what is reasonable and practical for the parties involved.