Update – Tweeting Legals Event 17 January
In advance of the next Tweetinglegals tweet up on 17 Jan here are a few pieces of information that might interest those attending.
The venue Old Bank of England, is mid way between Chancery Lane and Bell’s Yard in Fleet Street. As you walk into the grand pub room bear right towards the bar, and then left past the bar and then turn right. We have the two adjoining downstairs rooms on the left. They’re right by the bar area. So, there will be more space to mingle than last time we held the tweet up in that pub as we only had one room then.
Lilia will be sitting at the entrance by the rooms till about 8.30 or 9.00 pm. Please give her £5 per person to cover the cost of food/use of the space. She will have labels so you can write out your name, and she’ll have the list of attendees so please tick off your name. This is so we can mention you in the write up of the tweetup.
In feedback report last time we held the tweet up at that venue one person said they thought £5 should cover food and a drink. I’m afraid £5 does not go that far these days, especially in a venue like the Old Bank of England! So, you’ll have to also buy your own drinks.
Earlier in the evening there’ll be some crisps, but otherwise no food until 7.45 pm. I’ll try and keep an eye out and make sure nobody goes without food if they arrive later on. However, if I don’t notice that there’s no food and you’re there without anything to eat, do let me know. We’ll assess the finances and if there’s a surplus we’ll order more food, and/or a few bottles of wine later on.
Although the time given for the tweet up is 6.30-9pm, I fully expect many of you will stick around much longer than that. The organised part of the evening ends at 9pm, and personally I’ll probably leave around then as I have a busy day on 18th. So if you’re hungry after 9pm, please understand that if there’s no food it’s because the party has officially ended…
If you haven’t responded yet please let us know whether you will be attending or if your plans have changed and you are unable to make it, please update your status: RSVP. We are still in the process of arranging the catering for attendees, and so it would be much appreciated if you could help keep our numbers accurate.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 17th!