What's Involved To Be A 'Brand'?
If you're an entrepreneur, you know that building a brand involves more than just launching a product or service.
It takes time to be a 'brand' because you need to first build widespread awareness among your target consumers that you exist.
If a business isn’t eliminated by
- competition,
- undercapitalisation,
- lack of strategic possibilities for growth,
- inability to compete with cheap foreign goods or labour,
And if it can survive liberal doses of poor advice and the momentum of technological change, it might manage to stay in the game of business to ultimately become a brand.
Almost every big successful business today started out as a small business some time ago.
Harrods was a haberdashery in Southwark, Marks & Spencer was originally a stall at a penny bazaar in Leeds. Burberry was originally a man who was making outdoor clothes in Basingstoke, Tesco was a stall in Hackney, Clarks shoes were originally slipper makers in a village called Street in Somerset.
From humble beginnings these businesses became acorns. They became brands.
Good brands rarely emerge by chance.
It takes active management of a business as it gets traction, to turn it into a brand that evokes the associations and reputation it aims for.
To trust a company, customers generally want to know what it stands for. So, it’s never too soon to focus on the reputation you want to develop.
With the passage of time, your brand becomes like an unwritten contract between the business and the customer.
It’s by paying attention to the subject of 'brand' that a business stands a chance to develop into a successful brand.
If you are branding or rebranding, and have big ambitions for your business, work with me to design your business with intellectual property as an essential component.
IP is where the value in a business lies.
We’ll decide what you want to be known for and plan how to maximise your business success, choosing a name that's cleared for international use.
If you buy the Brand Tuned-Up service before the end of this week you’ll get a free visual identity design included as a bonus.
Have questions or want to meet to find out whether the Brand Tuned-Up service is a good fit for you? Just get in touch.