World Intellectual Property Day – Cheese, wine and celebrity rhyme from the IPKat
March 30, 2010
World Intellectual Property Day is an annual occasion held on the 26th of April, the anniversary marking the date on which the Convention establishing the Word Intellectual Property Organisation came into force in 1970.
The objective of the day is fourfold: to spread awareness of the relevance of intellectual property (IP); to demonstrate the way IP systems foster creativity and innovation; to celebrate creativity and innovation; and to encourage respect of IP rights.Far too often Intellectual Property is brushed aside as a legal concept with little day to day impact, but unfortunately this attitude is sustained only through lack of understanding.World IP Day aims to counter this lack of understanding by encouraging IP-related events around the globe.
The IPKat Event
One such event is being held by the popular IPKat blog.The drop in event in the offices of Olswang LLP in High Holborn, Central London is being held between 5pm and 7pm.From the blog:
To mark the occasion, a variety of leading personalities in the field of intellectual property have been invited to read their favourite poems.This will give us all an opportunity to sample some genuine intellectual property in addition to the edible fare.It will also give our celebrity poetry readers a chance to demonstrate a more human side to their regular personas.
Readers are tipped to include The Rt Hon. Lord Justice Jacob, amongst others, and the free event will include cheese and wine provided by a variety of sponsors including Azrights Solicitors.
Azrights Sponsorship of World IP Day
Azrights is sponsoring the event to help promote awareness of the importance of IP to the success of businesses.A modern business’ intellectual property portfolio is often its most valuable asset.A better understanding of the relevant issues, along with a proactive approach, can preclude expensive disputes and litigation that might otherwise disrupt the smooth running of the enterprise, or dissuade creativity and innovation.
By increasing awareness of, and respect for, intellectual property rights we hope to help businesses concentrate on developing innovative products and services, rather than diverting resources towards the resolution of expensive legal complications which have arisen due to a lack of understanding and planning.