Brand Tuned: The new rules of branding, strategy and intellectual property
Drawing from evidence-based research, interviews with experts, and years of experience supporting businesses, Brand Tuned is the first branding guide written by an intellectual property lawyer who specialises in trademarks and brands. By incorporating the principles of intellectual property law right from the start of the process, branding expert Shireen Smith will show you how to create and build the brand that is right for you and your business – while avoiding the potential pitfalls.
Buy on AmazonLegally Branded
Would you like to have access to the same legal expertise that the world's top brands use to make their products and services stand out from the competition? Well, now you can. This user-friendly guide gives an insight into all the legal aspects of branding, and provides an invaluable aid for any small or medium-sized business. Once you get to grips with the relevant issues, you'll know how best to position your business for long-term success. Even if you don't aspire to be a brand, you'll find this handbook indispensable in helping you sidestep all manner of common legal problems and pitfalls in business.
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Intellectual Property Revolution
We're undergoing a quiet revolution. The new currency in our digital economy is information, ideas, know-how, brands, systems and data.Whether you're starting a new business, building a brand identity or launching a new product or service, you're also creating intellectual property.
Do it right and the intangible assets you create could be worth more than the products or services themselves.
Do it wrong and you could miss vital opportunities, have your true value stolen or find yourself on the wrong side of an intellectual property dispute.
Shireen Smith brings her years of experience as an IP lawyer with specialist knowledge of the digital playing field to highlight the new threats and opportunities of IP in today's global marketplace.
Buy on AmazonFranchising Freedom
In this essential internationally bestselling guide to franchising, 15 successful international franchisors and franchising experts candidly share their current best-thinking, strategies and insights for finding the right franchise, starting, building and growing a profitable and sustainable franchise business.
Topics include:
- Protecting your IP
- Understanding franchise documents and agreements
- Recruiting and onboarding franchisees
- Assessing franchise opportunities
- Selling a franchise on and offline
- Creating operating systems for franchises
- Resilience
- Sales
- Customer experience mistakes
- And more ...
This is an extraordinary volume packed with frontline experience, insight and value for anyone wanting to build a successful franchise business. The bestselling Franchising Freedom is also available on Kindle and paperback
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