IP Audit



An IP audit reviews your intellectual property so as to establish whether there are any holes in your IP. This might be because new IP has been introduced without any due diligence legal checks or steps to protect it. By taking stock of your situation you are then well placed to set a strategy for managing your IP issues and budget.

Our IP Audit is ideal for established businesses that want to better protect their intangible assets so as to increase the value of their business. It is particularly useful to have an IP audit a few year before you plan to exit a business. It is also useful to have an audit if you are seeking investment as investors will want to know that your IP is secure.

IP is likely to be your most valuable asset. Unfortunately, sometimes SMEs don’t know who owns their IP, or what it consists of. So, an IP Audit is an excellent starting point to find out what protections you already have in place, and what steps you need to take to protect key IP.

We help you to develop a coherent strategy in line with your business plan for securing and managing your risks.


How do I know if I need an IP Audit?

The risk of not properly protecting, exploiting and enforcing your IP may have many different ramifications depending on the type of industry you’re in, and your particular business. You would benefit by mitigating these risks so that your IP remains front and center of your business strategy.

If you are just starting up, you will want to find out how IP impacts your business so you can build it on strong foundations. For early stage businesses, there is our Intelli service which we would be happy to provide more information about on request.


What's next?

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