Azrights Unveils a Solution to Give Law Firms Their Own Virtual Trade Mark Registration Department
Azrights Solicitors is the first UK law firm to devise a white labelled trade mark registration service for other law firms. The Azrights solution is completely seamless, giving remote access to client files. As far as the client is concerned, the law firm it has the relationship with is providing the service – yet the firm does none of the work, and is free of duties such as email or letter forwarding that characterise some services currently attempting to offer white labelling.
Azrights Solicitors is the first UK law firm to devise a white labelled trade mark registration service for other law firms. The Azrights solution is completely seamless, giving remote access to client files via a Sharepoint system hosted by Microsoft in the Cloud As far as the client is concerned, the relationship remains with the main law firm. That firm is perceived to be providing the service despite not doing any of the work. Nor is there any need for email or letter forwarding or other burdensome duties on the part of the main firm.
Using work flows and technology, Azrights has put together a superior service to undertake trade mark registration work in the name of its client law firms.
Azrights is a niche Intellectual Property and internet law firm that has been registering trade marks for many years. It identified a need for a reliable outsourcing provider in the UK to assist firms wanting to cut their trade mark registration costs, or wanting to offer trade mark registration services. Azrights intends to introduce other internet and IP services on a white labelled basis too.
Any law firm that has at least one trade mark to register may avail itself of the white labelling service as the set up costs are minimal. Azrights makes it simple for firms by providing a dedicated site where model additional terms of business, wording for letters of engagement, trade mark factsheet, and other support tools are available for use when promoting trade mark registration services. Azrights has also set up quote facilities so law firms may easily know Azrights fixed fees so as to determine their mark ups.
As law firm fee income is challenged by the forces of competition, recession, deregulation, and technology, solicitors looking to create efficiencies will be interested in Azrights services. Similarly, those that don’t currently offer trade mark registration services stand to gain an additional source of revenue by introducing the Azrights virtual trade mark registration department. Any business wanting to attract extra revenue without increase its overhead costs, will find Azrights white label services relevant.
Firms would gain not just the fees from initial trade mark registration but also follow on work that often arises. For example, many businesses will require wider international Madrid Protocol and other country extensions so as to protect the brand outside the UK or EU. There is also an increased possibility of attracting trade mark infringement or other litigation work than if the trademark registration itself is referred out.
Azrights service enables solicitors to satisfy themselves that desired quality standards are being maintained as they get access to their clients’ files via a browser. So they are able to check the status of files, and ensure quality standards are maintained. This means the solicitor will not just be relying on the reputation of other service providers to hope their client is receiving an effective service, which is what happens when they refer the registration work to others.
Therefore, by providing the trade mark registration services themselves using Azrights services, firms are in a better position to maintain their reputation with their clients than when they refer the client to someone else. As well as being better placed to ensure the work is done to a high standard, the law firm benefits in being compliant with SRA regulations, and not unwittingly breaching regulations such as those forbidding the sharing of profits with non lawyers.
The benefit for the client is less disruption by not having to engage another service provider. As the client never becomes the client of Azrights it does not need to review Azrights terms of business. The law firm gains too by maintaining its relationship with its client, and being seen as the go to provider for a greater number of services. More information on the service is available on white labelling trademark services for solicitors here.
About Azrights
Azrights Solicitors, based in Islington, London, are a specialist Intellectual Property and Internet law firm providing International trademark registration and other IP services. For further information visit Azrights News and Media page.