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Naming A Company? How Can You Avoid Trademark Disasters?
April 10, 2015

When choosing a new name, it can be confusing to know the order in which to do things – such as registering domain names, a company name, designing a new logo and so on.

People tend to do all these things and then only at the e...

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Will The African Union Convention On Cybercrime Be Effective And Protect Human Rights?
April 14, 2015

With the rise in internet users across Africa cybercrime is a growing problem involving “gangs embracing more sophisticated ways to use technology, such as malware and botnets…” reports the BBC.

The high number of African users...

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Copyright Laws UK: Getting Out Of Bad Contracts
April 17, 2015

Percy Sledge, the well-known R&B singer, who is reputed to have written the song “When a Man Loves a Woman” died this week. While Sledge had a long and illustrious career in the music industry, his later works never reached the ...

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Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Bites Back In India Row
April 20, 2015

Zuckerberg reportedly argued in a blog post that’s basic free services were not incompatible with net neutrality – the principle that all web services should be equally accessible. “We fully support net neutrality,”...

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Business Litigation: Differences Between Employees And Contractors
April 24, 2015

News that Uber drivers in California were claiming to be employees rather than self-employed contractors caught my attention this week because the ramifications for many modern business models could be huge as this bizjounals ar...

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World IP Day 2015: A Change In The Tide For Music?
April 28, 2015

On 26 April, World Intellectual Property Day… celebrate[d] music with the aim of promoting discussion of the role of IP in encouraging innovation and creativity.

As a part of this, there [were] …discussions across the globe exp...

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Data Protection Changes: How Will This Impact You After The General Election?
April 30, 2015

With the General Election looming, and the Conservative Party’s pledge to renegotiate Britain’s membership by holding a referendum to determine whether to remain in the EU, this could have far reaching implications in terms of e...

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Judges Increasingly Allow Discovery Of Private Facebook Content
May 4, 2015

Courts in the United States are beginning to allow private social media content to enter into trials as evidence. Recent examples in both Florida and Louisiana demonstrate that “…a trend is emerging, …and as social media pages land...

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EU Wants iPlayer Access Extended Across Europe

May 11, 2015

The Digital Single Market Aims to Make Copyrighted Works Available Across Europe.

With the self-imposed deadline for implementing the Digital Single Market (DSM) approaching, the EU Commission has set out some specific aims that it w...

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Startups – Where Will The Next Tech City Be Located?
May 18, 2015

Now that the Conservatives have gained another term in government it is likely that they will press ahead with many of their pledges. Of particular interest are the proposals set out in George Osborne’s recent Budget Plan for 2015...

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Data Protection – What Are The Implications Of The Snoopers Bill And Data Retention & Privacy On Your Business?
May 26, 2015

Keeping up with the election theme, the Snooper’s Charter, also known as the Snooper’s Bill, was first introduced by Theresa May in 2012 and vetoed by Nick Clegg in 2013, and has made a comeback.

The legislation is designed to su...

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Image Rights – How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Image?
May 29, 2015

Last week, the Republic of Ireland readied themselves to vote on what was, for a catholic state, a very controversial referendum; yes or no to gay marriage. The BBC reported here how one family in particular had other controversia...

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