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Domain Name Seizure Decision Overturned in Kentucky

The Kentucky Court of Appeals has overturned the Domain Name Seizure Order which I discussed in my previous post. To recap, last year a court in Kentucky had seized 114 domain names from several online gambling sites.  The lower court had ruled that ...

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FSA Requirement for the Compulsory Recording of Phone Calls

January 26, 2009

To deter and detect market abuse, the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) in its new rules – the Conduct of Business Sourcebook (Recording of Telephone Conversations and Electronic Communications) Instrument 2008, which comes into ...

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Press And Media Calling fellow IP lawyers – Meeting 11th February 6:30pm

January 26, 2009

I initially wrote on Jeremy Phillip’s IPKat blog here about wanting to organize a group meeting of sole practitioner IP law firms.  The idea was to discuss ways in which we might combine forces to share costs and resources so as to ...

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Verizon Wireless wins $33 million in a Cybersquatting Dispute

January 27, 2009

Verizon has been awarded a record amount in a law suit against a tech company and domain registrar, OnlineNIC, which had registered over 660 domain names that used Verizon’s trademarks.

The case was brought under the Anti-Cybersqua...

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Should Google Be Prevented From Profiting From Cybersquatting?

February 1, 2009

As a result of a recent decision against Google in the USA, a new weapon should be considered by trademark owners like Microsoft in the battle against cybersquatters.  If misspellings or other versions of trademarks are registered a...

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What’s Your Online Reputation?

When gossip website TMZ leaked audio of Christian Bale’s tirade against the Director of Photography on the new Terminator Film, the story quickly spread throughout the Internet.

There were countless blog postings, lengthy threads on forums, enough T...

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ISP liability and the Digital Britain Report

February 7, 2009

Traditionally, ISPs have had limited liability under the laws of England and Wales. The are not liable for defamatory comments or IP infringements including illegal downloading unless they are given notice that one of their users is...

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What Not To Do If Your Trade Mark Is Becoming Generic

February 11, 2009

IP lawyers always become excited when they find an example of a trade mark in danger of becoming generic.  The case in point is the trade mark for NETBOOK, pointed out in this blog post.  NETBOOK was registered as a trade mark in t...

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Engaging a Web Designer – One Contract You Should Read

February 12, 2009

It is amazing how naïve otherwise sensible business people can be when it comes to commissioning a designer to develop a website for them.  Whether it is a lack of knowledge or simple forgetfulness many businesses overlook formalit...

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The End of Lawyers? The Legal Hybrid is Already Here

February 17, 2009

Reading Richard Susskind’s book the End of Lawyers I identify myself as already being the sort of lawyer Susskind suggests will become increasingly multi-disciplinary in order to succeed.

Susskind describes us as ‘legal hybrids’...

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Having a Virtual Presence Online

February 18, 2009

In the last few years many big companies have been making news by establishing a virtual presence in an online world.  The most common place for businesses to do this is in Metaverses which are also called virtual worlds.  They are...

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Hybrid Lawyer: Part 2

February 20, 2009

Following my earlier post about ‘legal hybrids’ I want to explain why it matters that I am as knowledgeable about the internet as any web designer.

One good reason is that there are key areas on which businesses need independent a...

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