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Protecting Brand Identifiers – What We Can Learn from Jenni Romaniuk
November 30, 2021

Jenni Romaniuk, in her book, Building Distinctive Brand Assets researched the extent to which various types of brand assets can substitute for the brand name once a brand becomes sufficiently well-known.

The assets Jenni Rom

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Promoting Your Brand
August 7, 2020

In my blog Should you Develop Your Personal Brand? I argued that it is indeed very important to do so, and that it’s not enough to just focus on building the business brand.

The world has changed, and nowadays the personal bran

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Non-Conventional Trademarks
November 6, 2020

Non-conventional trademarks offer a way to protect the look and feel of a brand.

Although individual components of a brand, such as its colour can be difficult to protect, something I will discuss in a follow up post in the f

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Intellectual Property Revolution will shape British Business
March 23, 2016

New book launch by IP Lawyer Shireen Smith

“In spite of the UK being recognised as the most advanced adopter of online retail and the digital economy, with creative industries exports worth £17.3bn, there is a general lack of a

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Intellectual Property – The Key To A Successful Brand
July 27, 2021

Introducing Brand Tuned

To give businesses the best start in life when it comes to developing a new brand, it is essential that intellectual advice is taken during branding projects so the brand can stand, be distinctive, and us

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March 8, 2020

Hugo Boss created quite a storm with its latest trademark challenge. Apparently the designers, sent a cease-and-desist letter to a multi-award winning Welsh brewery based in Swansea, Boss Brewing,

When a big brand enforces its t

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How To Start a Podcast For Your Business
May 22, 2020

Podcasting is the next marketing frontier. The shift to mobile and people’s lack of time are two reasons why podcasts are increasingly popular. We may all be too busy to sit down to read a book, but it’s easy enough to consume con

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How to Promote Your Business on Social Media – My Trials and Tribulations
July 10, 2020

Over the last few years, I have really enjoyed creating content to share my thoughts about brands and IP because that is how I refine my thinking and develop new ideas. In the process, I have come up with a framework that moves t

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How to Move Beyond Your Job Role To Trusted Adviser
March 18, 2022

Lawyers are a profession that are increasingly challenged to identify their distinctive skills and talents, and the capabilities they possess that cannot be readily replaced by advanced systems or by less costly workers supporte

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How to Get What You Want and Need Out of Branding
October 11, 2020

Before choosing someone to work with on your brand, it’s important to be clear what you want from brand and branding.

If you believe a brand is essentially a logo, then visual design will be all you want and expect from brand

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How to Develop a Brand Strategy in the Face of this Corona Virus
April 10, 2020

Business has changed radically since Milton Freidman wrote in Capitalism and Freedom (1962) that there is “one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase i...

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How to Design Your Brand
April 17, 2020

The silo approach to branding whereby creatives produce brand designs and names without any reference to Intellectual Property lawyers, while IP lawyers protect IP that they’ve had no part in advising upon, does not give busines

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