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Azrights Intellectual Property Team To Participate In The London Legal Walk
May 6, 2015

The London Legal Walk is an annual event that brings together lawyers from all practice areas. Lawyers from solicitors firms and barristers chambers, in house legal teams, charities, companies, magazines, and more, of all levels of...

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A Whiter Shade of Pale

July 31, 2009

The House of Lords’ decision yesterday that Matthew Fisher’s 38 year delay in claiming a share of copyright royalties should not prevent him claiming future royalties has been widely reported.

It is interesting therefore to focus here...

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Award Disputed in Barbie Infringement Case

August 28, 2008

In a strange turn of events, Mattel (makers of Barbie) and MGA (makers of Bratz) are disputing how much a jury awarded Mattel. The sum could be either $40 million or $100 million but the decision is ambiguous. MGA has argued that the...

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Avoiding Falling Within the Scope of the Gambling Act 2005
November 3, 2008

The Gambling Act which came into force on 1 September 2007 presents a trap for the unwary.  For those running anything other than a skill competition or a free prize draw it is essential to be aware of the dangers of unknowingly...

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A user interface, not so user friendly!
August 10, 2011

Twitter last week announced that the old version of its interface will be completely replaced by the new version.

The company stated in their official Twitter feed, ‘If you’re currently using the Old Twitter, we want to let yo...

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July 27, 2009

Accentuate the positive and minimize the negative is the way to manage reputations online.  For a good example of what NOT TO DO consider Lifestyle Lift. This facelift company was recently fined $300,000 by New York State for flooding ...

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A Scent of Change – Look-alike Perfumes

June 23, 2009

Have you ever seen cheap imitation perfumes on sale at market stalls or on the internet?  The ones that tend to look similar in their packaging or bottling to other up-market products? Well according to a recent decision of the Europea...

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Are social networking sites doing enough to protect children?

November 21, 2009

Head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, Jim Gamble, is not convinced as the main social networking sites lag behind in providing sufficient security for our teens against the occurrence of cyber-bullying (pleas...

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Are privacy policies dead?

January 17, 2011

In 2009 there was a controversial view that “Privacy is dead and social media hold smoking gun”. Essentially, the author presents a somewhat pessimistic view of Privacy’s position in the public sphere. He considers it to be a choice...

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Are copyright owners winning the war against copyright infringement? Pirate Bay Blocking Order
May 10, 2012

Tools enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) distribution of music, video, software and other copyright material are continuing to evolve in a way that presents an increasing challenge for the law, and hence for copyright owners who want to ...

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Are APIs Protected By Copyright? – Google v Oracle
July 6, 2015

In the Google v Oracle dispute, the Supreme Court rejected Google’s application to have the case reheard to determine whether Google made fair use of Oracle’s copyrighted APIs.

This dispute began in 2012, when Google, creator of ...

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Arbitration As An Alternative Dispute Resolution Method In IP – Pros And Cons
June 16, 2015

With the recent launch of the Independent Press Standards Organisation’s (Ipso) consultation into setting up a pilot arbitration service to widen access to justice, it is interesting to consider the advantages of arbitration as a...

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