Back in 1987 when I joined Reuters as a relatively junior lawyer, one of my first assignments was to audit the company’s data processing activities. I spent a few months visiting senior managers’ offices around Reuters to explai...
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Every organisation is affected by Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR as it’s known. I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about it.
GDPR represents one of the biggest shake ups in the privacy and data protection laws ...
In yesterday’s post What Not To Do When It Comes To GDPR I outlined the confusion that the GDPR laws have spawned. Understanding why the GDPR rules were introduced, and what they are aiming to achieve will help in complying with t...
In  Why GDPR? I explained what the General Data Protection Regulations are aiming to achieve because understanding its underlying principles and rationale is key to protecting data appropriately in the new regulatory environment.
May 11, 2018
In my Quick GDPR Compliance Plan yesterday I suggested GDPR presents an opportunity for businesses to sharpen their approach towards marketing by being more strategic. So, what should you specifically do to be able to use the co...
The current system of registration for UK based data controllers was replaced by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) with effect from 25 May 2018.
From that date, or once existing registrations come up for renewal,...
If you’ve ever received a notice from the trademark registry notifying you that someone else is applying to register a similar mark to yours, or that there is already a registered trade mark similar to the one you’re applying t...
When I set up Azrights back in 2004/5 it was after a few years bringing up my daughters. I had no existing client base so I built it from the ground up.
Luckily, I discovered a love for entrepreneurship which saw me through ...
When you’re starting any new venture it’s a good idea to ask yourself some searching questions. Why are you in business? Or why are you planning to start one? What’s the motivation driving it? Are you aiming to make it big? Wou...
Why are you in business? Or if you haven’t started a business yet, why are you thinking of doing it? Whatever your reasons may be, knowing about intellectual property is very important. Only then will you be able to avoid maki...
Pablo Picasso reportedly once said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” This is true not only in art. Thieves and copycats are as rife in business as in every walk of life. If so, how can you protect your ideas from gett...
What does intellectual property have to do with the value of your business? And how do you increase it without increasing turnover? Find out as I dive into this topic and impart valuable knowledge about intellectual property a...