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September 19, 2019

Ecommerce generally means doing business online by selling products and services through an online store. This could be as straightforward as selling goods through an eStore, or alternatively you might allow users to subs...

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Online Branding
September 19, 2019

Doing business online means competing with billions of other web pages for users’ attention. Standing out from the crowd is crucial, so is important to have in place an effective online branding strategy.

  • It is importa...
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Digital Media Law
September 19, 2019

What is Digital Media?

Digital media refers to any type of media stored in electronic form, for example audio, video, graphics, images, text. So digital media might refer to the text files stored on your eBook reader, or...

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Privacy Policy
September 19, 2019

A privacy policy is required by Data protection regulations. Data protection is becoming ever more important so make sure you have an adequate, up to date, coherent and accessible privacy policy.

  • A privacy policy expla...
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Social Media Contracts
September 19, 2019

Like any type of business contract, a social media contract can be a useful commercial tool. The management of your social media presence can directly affect the reputation of your business and brand, especially as the in...

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How to Value a Business
September 19, 2019

What is Business Valuation?

Business valuation looks at the commercial value of a business as a whole, taking into consideration its assets and current market conditions.

Business assets include:-

  • Business premises
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Domain Names
September 19, 2019

Domain names are a fundamental aspect of branding. They are easy to register, and can be used instantly to associate your website with your brand.

  • Domain names and trademarks are separate and unrelated pieces of proper...
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September 19, 2019

Litigation means the resolution of disputes through the court process. Sometimes litigation may be necessary, despite your best efforts to steer clear of a dispute.

Is it worth it?

If the other party is blatantly in...

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Breach of Contract
September 19, 2019

Unfortunately there are times when one party does not comply with the terms of a contract and this is referred to as breach of contract. There may be many reasons why one party is in breach of contract and it is important...

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International Disputes
September 19, 2019

In a globalised world where many businesses now operate online it is very likely that disputes that arise will involve businesses operating in different countries.

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Passing Off
September 19, 2019

Passing off occurs where someone in the course of trade creates an impression that their goods or services emanate from that of another business.

  • Passing off is aimed at preventing customer confusion as this could lead...
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Copyright Infringement and Copyright Disputes
September 19, 2019

Copyright Infringement Disputes

Copyright disputes can arise in a variety of ways. For example, where there are existing contractual arrangements in place governing copyright and the contract is terminated, breached ...

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