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New Rules on Cookies

April 27, 2011

All businesses using cookies in their websites will have to comply with new laws initiated by the EU’s ePrivacy Directive, failing which they risk payment of fines of up to £500,000.

Cookies are data files that enable tracking of a u...

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Checking Website Design and Content
April 28, 2011

In June, Shireen Smith will be giving a conference on Checking Website Design and Content. This conference comprehensively covers the biggest issues you need to know about to ensure that the very real risks of maintaining an onl...

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YouTube Copyright School

May 3, 2011

Google and YouTube have decided to launch a YouTube Copyright School as a way to strengthen their copyright position. The copyright schools has been set up in order to teach users who infringe copyright laws the basics of copyright law.

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Hargreaves Report – Copyright Obstructing Innovation Economy

May 19, 2011

The Hargreaves report was published on Wednesday. The report responds to the government’s instruction last autumn to look at whether current copyright laws are hindering innovation in this country. The short answer is, as Hargreaves suc...

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New Innovation Group Launching Soon
May 24, 2011
While we had made good progress, we have now decided to park the Innovation Group for the moment to help the Islington Chamber of Commerce push ahead with the Camden & Islington business awards on October 27th.  We will pick it...
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New Challenges for Rights Owners
May 31, 2011

The internet revolutionised the way people could discover and share information, but as technology has developed, the volume of information which can be shared online, and the variety of its application have broadened significantl...

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Twegals Tweet Up – June 7th 2011
May 31, 2011

Twitter is a great medium for stimulating debate, and an excellent forum for meeting new and like minded people.

In terms of relationships, Twitter is essentially a forum for meeting others. You have to take that virtual meeting ...

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The Brand and Design Battleground
June 6, 2011

In July, Shireen Smith will be giving a talk on Securing and Protecting Rights in Trade Marks and Designs. Knowing how to protect trade marks and designs is a key part of the role of the IP adviser, particularly in fast changing t...

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Never A Pedantic – A Reply To Revolting Pedants by @LegalBizzle

June 9, 2011

Reading Legal Bizzle’s very interesting article Revolting pedants made me  uncomfortable as he concluded:  “And I’m happy to say it loud: I’m a pedant, and I’m proud”.

Much as I want to agree with Legal Bizzle, I can’t do so given my...

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Legal Tweet up – 7 June 2011
June 22, 2011

Tweet ups are when we take our online relationships offline and meet the faces behind the avatars.

There is an appetite for more regular tweet ups so, later in this blog, I’ll mention some ideas for a trial run of regular Lo...

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Intellectual Property Rights – Build And Protect Now To Profit Later
June 27, 2011

A key to differentiating a business is having an offering or a way of doing business that is unique to you, so you stand out from your competitors.  See my personal blog for differentiating a law firm

Your differentiating propos...

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Press And Media Newzbin – MPA brings the fight to BTs doorstep
July 5, 2011

We have written previously on copyright holders’ efforts to effect the removal of sites linking to or hosting infringing content, and also on new measures being introduced by the Digital Economy Act, which provide for injuncti...

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