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How to Consider What Your Purpose is
October 4, 2020

Business has changed radically since 1962 when Milton Freidman wrote in Capitalism and Freedom, that there is “one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in...

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How To Brand Using Trademarks Strategically
October 18, 2021

Let’s begin by considering the terminology as it’s all too common when it comes to brands to find people have different meanings in mind. I’ll then explain the role of trademarks and why and how to be...

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How to Add Value To Your Business Using the Right Brand and IP Strategy
April 26, 2020

It is generally accepted that what makes an asset valuable, whether it is a digital or physical one, or any type of intellectual property such as a patent, trade secret, trademark, copyright or design, is based on answers to...

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How Not to Brand Your Business in the 21st century
June 5, 2020

The internet has radically changed the rules for most industries, be it news, music, PR, retail or any other you may care to think about. That’s not surprising given the rapid pace of technological development the internet...

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How Brands Grow – A book by Byron Sharp
June 12, 2020

Back in 2011 when I began writing my book Legally Branded I realised that despite spending years focused on brand protection, I didn’t really know what the word ‘brand’ meant and what was involved to...

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How Anglian Water Became the UK’s Best Place to Work
March 13, 2020

It probably won’t come as much of a surprise that Glassdoor recently announced that Google is the number 1 place to work in the UK. Google has built up a reputation for treating their employees exceptionally well,...

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Exciting News at Azrights
February 27, 2020

For some time I’ve been looking forward to the regulatory changes in the solicitors market that were finally introduced in November 2019. The new regulations support solicitors to provide services through new...

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Every Successful Business Starts With Successful Branding
October 17, 2020

Building a strong brand means starting with a clear vision of where you want your brand to go. This was the key takeaway when Shireen Smith invited Daniel Priestley, owner of Dent and author of Oversubscribed: How To Get...

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Don’t Choose Names Without Involving a Trademark Lawyer Who “gets” Branding
February 9, 2020

The 7 Costly Mistakes People Make When Turning their Big Idea into a Business, or when Branding or Rebranding Anything

The name is a key part of your brand identity. It’s possibly the most important decision you will ever...

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Does Intellectual Property (IP) Need a Rebrand?
January 29, 2021

In my post last week, I mentioned that Intellectual Property (IP) has an image problem and might need a rebrand.

There are lots of reasons I think IP has an image problem. For example, a marketer friend once advised me to...

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Distinctiveness in Trademark Law
November 17, 2021

As trademarks give their owners a monopoly right to identify their products or services an important caveat about them is that they must be distinctive.

A generic identifier such as the colour yellow for Cheerios or a name...

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Distinctive Brand Assets
December 11, 2020

Intangibles such as the distinctive assets that you create for your brand identity, or during promotional campaigns are important to being noticed and remembered by buyers.

Daniel Kahneman, who wrote the book ...

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