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News Reporting Post Social Media and Riots
August 31, 2011

The London riots brought chaos to the city for a few nights, and at times the looting and violence spread faster than news sites could keep track of them, leaving many to turn to social media for their source of news. Often TV...

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#TweetingLegals September Tweet Up
August 30, 2011

Thank you to all those who took the time to complete a survey on twtpoll on your experience of the 15 August tweet up. We received some excellent feedback from those who attended, but the survey is no longer available to detail...

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Google Instant Search – Fast and Fatal!
August 24, 2011

Last year, Google introduced its ‘Google Instant Search’, a new feature that displays suggested results as soon as you start typing your search phrase. The service also sports improved ‘predictive’ search...

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Social Media: Boon or Bane?
August 17, 2011

In the wake of the riots, which have spread throughout England, many are blaming social media as being the tool used to orchestrate the violence and destruction. We have previously written about the Student Protests...

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Newzbin, the DEA, and the Great Wall of BT – A Mixed Bag for the MPA?
August 4, 2011

Further progress was made in the Newzbin saga last week when the High Court ordered BT to prevent its subscribers from accessing the website. You may recall that the site had hopped abroad to the Seychelles, escaping...

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Stormtroopers and the Supreme Court
August 2, 2011

The United Kingdom’s Supreme Court recently rendered its decision in the first Intellectual Property case heard since it opened for business in October 2009.  The case, Lucasfilm v Ainsworth, concerned...

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Google Plus – Social Network
July 25, 2011

There is much speculation as to whether Google’s social network, Google Plus could be the next big thing in Social Media. Last week we discussed Google’s naming strategy Here we will explore what people are...

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Which Publishing Platform To Use
March 20, 2012

One of the first questions many people asked when I announced that I was writing a book was ‘who is the publisher?

This early question that presents itself for would-be authors is actually quite a complicated one to...

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Patents for Humanity
February 14, 2012

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the White House have set up a scheme called ‘Patents for Humanity’, in an effort to encourage and reward people who invent products that will help humanity....

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Do You Know Why Your Brand Could Be Worthless?
January 16, 2012

In this post I’m going to offer some information that I think might be quite useful to you when you’re establishing a new business or product.

You’re likely to be thinking about a name, commissioning a website...

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Update – Tweeting Legals Event 17 January
January 9, 2012

 In advance of the next Tweetinglegals tweet up on 17 Jan here are a few pieces of information that might interest those attending.

The venue Old Bank of England, is mid way between Chancery Lane and Bell’s Yard...

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Does Copyright Protect Ideas?
December 15, 2011

Of all the IP laws, copyright is the most wide-ranging in scope and application. However, there is confusion as to whether copyright protects underlying ideas. Does it protect ideas incorporated in a piece of writing, or a...

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