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Want to Make a Ā£million+ or Start a Movement?

Whether you want to start a movement or to make a £million+, there’s a predictable process to follow to profit from your IP and achieve your objectives.

The newsletter is short this week because I’ve been busy writing a new...

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Is Your Choice of Name Sound?

Names involve a variety of traps for the unwary. – be it the type of name that should be used, or the searches needed to establish availability.

Given that everything we do in business involves raising awareness of our name, and that the...

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Why Strategy Requires An IP First Approach

This week has been hectic as we moved the Azrights website from WordPress to Kajabi.

Our redirects are not all working as expected although they’re gradually working better so maybe it just needs time to refresh the cache. In the meantime,...

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How Lacoste Lost Its Crocodile Trademark

Last week’s newsletter How to avoid the biggest brand management mistakes, highlighted that the role of our business name and signs like logos, taglines, characters, or sounds is to enable buyers to recognise that it’s us.

Symbols like...

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The Role of Brand Names in Business
March 23, 2022

Understanding the legal rules around names is important because they’re the single most valuable intellectual property asset a successful business builds. ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌...

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Stop Assuming Your Customer is A Big Sophisticated Brand

January 1, 2021

Happy New Year. I love January, new beginnings, fresh starts and all that, don’t you? For reasons that will become apparent I’ve decided to call this episode Stop Assuming Your Customer is A Big Sophisticated Brand...

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Genericity ā€“ What We Can Learn About How to Name a Brand

Genericity is a problem that no brand wants, however much people may think it must be flattering for Google that people use its brand name as a verb. Saying will ‘google’ something or that are ‘googling’ something is...

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How to Avoid the Biggest Brand management Mistakes

Apple and MacDonalds are household brands that have lost their EU trademarks in recent years, meaning that third parties may now freely use ‘Think Different’ and Big Mac in the EU.

The reason the marks were lost is that the companies...

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Should Lawyers Offer A Brand Creation Service?
May 3, 2022

Though many important decisions people make when creating a new brand identity are intellectual property decisions, IP lawyers are rarely involved in the naming and brand creation process. 

As a trademark lawyer, I began to ask...

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Understanding Customer Needs ā€“ What Business Are You Really In?
May 29, 2020

Understanding customer needs is at the heart of business success.

During these weird times of lockdown and social distancing, many business owners are pivoting to online solutions. We are certainly being approached by people with...

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Why Iā€™ve Set Up A Second Business And Expect To Crush It As An Olderpreneur
November 30, 2018

According to this Institute of Directors report a growing number of people are starting their own businesses in later life. In their article, Over-50s are the new business start-up generation, the Financial...

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What Happens if You Donā€™t Secure Copyright From Designers, Developers and Others Before Engaging Them to do Work
February 14, 2020

The 7 Costly Mistakes People Make When Turning their Big Idea into a Business, or when Branding or Rebranding Anything

During branding, designs will be created for your brand, including your logo.

You should not enter into...

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