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Image Rights. Do They Prevent You Using a Celebrityā€™s Image?
November 18, 2019

In the lead up to the Christmas and new year season, most of us are accustomed to seeing television advertisements featuring well-known actors and personalities endorsing a range of luxury products such as perfumes and...

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Building a Business on Solid IP Foundation Using Process
November 22, 2019

IP is quite straightforward when you understand the fundamentals. Get them right in your business and you can build the business on solid foundations long term.

I suggest you start by reviewing what intellectual property...

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Licensing or Franchising To Take Your Business to the Next Level
November 29, 2019

Licensing and franchising are effective ways to take your business to the next level.

Businesses in the UK that are thinking about whether to franchise their business have the option to use a simpler, cheaper approach to...

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What Does It Mean When You Trademark A Name?
December 6, 2019

Your brand name should be a “barrier to entry” – protecting you against the threats that competitors potentially present. Just as patenting an invention gives you a monopoly right over your invention and acts...

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Are You Looking to Brand or Rebrand Your Business?
December 13, 2019

If you’re considering a rebrand or are setting up a new venture start by taking this post on board as it could help you avoid many mistakes people commonly make.

That’s because society hasn’t yet caught up...

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Trade Mark Use ā€“ When May You Legitimately Use Someone Elseā€™s Trade Mark?
January 5, 2020

To discuss trade mark use let’s start by taking a couple of steps back to understand a bit more about trade marks.

Trade marks are the way to protect your ‘brand”. This word is overused to mean almost whatever...

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Do You Know The Best Way to Protect Your Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (IP) is part and parcel of business, yet it abounds with misconceptions. For example, it’s not generally appreciated that protecting IP starts by understanding how to choose effective names, address questions of brand...

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What We Can Learn From The Tesco Case

Last week I mentioned that Tesco lost the benefit of its million-pound marketing spend because it used the Clubcard name instead of a stronger name like Tescocard. If you missed it you can read it on the Azrights blog A million-pound mistake?...

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IP Issues That Impact Business Design

As a law firm owner I regularly hear about the problems businesses experience around IP.

While their individual circumstances vary hugely, the IP mistakes they make are common and easily avoidable.

The reason these IP mistakes are widespread is...

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How To Have Satisfied Clients Long Term

Tesco probably didn’t initially realise the wider ramifications of using the Clubcard name, so may have been satisfied with its advertising agency.

However, clients who are initially satisfied with a service can later become dissatisfied...

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A Million-pound Mistake?

Tesco made a big mistake when it launched its innovative loyalty card scheme under a name it could not own. The company tried in vain to register Clubcard as a trademark.

Unless a business has intellectual property protecting its innovation,...

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Why Every Business Needs a Brand Manager

Are you starting a new project? Or rebranding? Or growing your business to sell?

Do you:

  • Know what ‘brand’ means and signifies to the value of your business?
  • Know when and how to protect your...
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