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Update – Tweeting Legals Event 17 January
January 9, 2012

 In advance of the next Tweetinglegals tweet up on 17 Jan here are a few pieces of information that might interest those attending.

The venue Old Bank of England, is mid way between Chancery Lane and Bell’s Yard in Fleet Stree...

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Does Copyright Protect Ideas?
December 15, 2011

Of all the IP laws, copyright is the most wide-ranging in scope and application. However, there is confusion as to whether copyright protects underlying ideas. Does it protect ideas incorporated in a piece of writing, or a fi...

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Does Lack of Professional Advice Lead to Unnecessary Trade Mark Registration?
December 13, 2011

When a key player in the Government’s plans to strengthen the IP framework, encourages business owners to file their own trade marks, explaining this is to help them afford trade mark registration, I wonder what’s going on.

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Why Resolving Disputes Costs Ten Times More Than A Contract
December 2, 2011

Lawyers are expensive, particularly if you are in dispute with someone. However, because prevention does not sell, many small business owners tend not to use lawyers except when they are unfortunate enough to face litigation. ...

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Why use a lawyer when you can buy a legal agreement?
November 21, 2011

In business, contracts and agreements are part of daily life. Consulting a lawyer to draft all your agreements can be expensive, so in practice, only bigger businesses have the resources to get legal advice every time they ne...

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Stay Vigilant: Limitation Periods and Copyright Infringement
November 1, 2011

Copyright offers crucial protection to individuals and businesses alike enabling them to own and exploit their creative works. This might include photographs, articles, software, website designs, films, music and a range of ot...

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Why Every Business Needs an Intellectual Property Strategy
October 17, 2011

Nowadays there is increasing awareness about the value of “intellectual property” and brands. Yet “intellectual property” is a term that alienates many people because they don’t understand what it means or how it applies to th...

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Software Licences and the US First Sale Doctrine – Psystar judgment handed down
October 4, 2011

Key to Apple’s surging popularity have been the ease of use of its products and software, and seamless integration between its devices and services.

Arguably unique in the personal computer industry, Apple exercises strict con...

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How to Use Trade Marks to Protect your Brand

February 26, 2010

Shireen Smith describes why Trade Marks are important in helping to protect your brand and the best way to go about registering one.

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Why Web 2.0 Brand Protection Requires Online Brand Promotion

December 1, 2009

When I wrote the introduction to my proposed new book in early November Why Web 2.0 Brand Protection Requires Online Brand Promotion, I hoped to publish this chapter shortly afterwards.  Needless to say, life got in the way, and i...

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Software Patents and 1-Click Shopping
September 19, 2011

Websites, iPad apps, accounting systems, and the software running on your home wireless router are all the result of an often considerable investment of time, money, skill and effort. In return, their creators are typically ...

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Georgia-Pacific and Kimberly-Clark: Quilted Designs and Functional Trade Marks
September 12, 2011

Intellectual property is the cornerstone of many modern businesses, and the law offers various mechanisms to safeguard know how, creativity, ingenuity and investment in reputation and marketing. A significant complexity when...

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