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Website Terms and Conditions
September 19, 2019

Website terms and conditions explain to visitors how they may use your website, and aim to limit your liability arising from the material you publish. These are not to be confused with ecommerce terms, which govern the te...

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Branding – Uniqueness and Fame
March 15, 2021

There are two drivers of brand asset strength: uniqueness and fame.

For example, when you see the swoosh logo of the Nike brand you know it represents Nike even though it may be featured on its own with no name accompanying it.

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Branding – The Terminology
September 10, 2020

A brand is about a lot more than just about how it looks. “Brand” can be an important business tool if used well.

Yet “brand” and “branding” are terms that mystify many business owners. Even those who go through a branding

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Branding - In Search of a Visual Hammer

December 4, 2020

The book Visual Hammer – Nail your Brand into the Mind with the Emotional Power of a Visual by Laura Ries captured my imagination when I read it back in 2013.

I immediately saw the power that a visual hammer would offer a brand,

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Brand Strategy - Post Byron Sharp
February 7, 2021

There is a saying, reportedly Chinese in origin: May you live in interesting times. This is said ironically and almost as a curse because ‘uninteresting times’, of peace and tranquillity, are more life-enhancing than interesti

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Battle of the Bands
November 26, 2013

Trademarks can be one of the most significant of IP rights as a recent case involving the band Wishbone Ash  demonstrates.

The band was popular in the 1970s, and as often happens with bands, members came and went, so that ev...

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Band Names
June 20, 2008

A problem faced by bands sometimes is the discovery of another band sharing the same name. Unfortunately this rarely happens at the early stages when a band first adopts its name. Often, a substantial amount of marketing and ...

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Bad Website Design

March 18, 2010

Website design can be difficult to get right, with so many important factors to consider, and barriers to communication due to the related technical issues involved.  From the outset significant mistakes are easy to make without caref...

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Baby Boomers – 6 Reasons Why You Need To Avoid Stereotypes When Marketing To The Baby Boomer Generation
June 16, 2019

If you prefer to listen/watch a video instead of reading then click here to go to my youtube channel where you can watch it instead

A LinkedIn connection recently messaged me saying “this may be of interest to you and relevant t...

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Azrights Unveils a Solution to Give Law Firms Their Own Virtual Trade Mark Registration Department
January 18, 2011

Azrights Solicitors is the first UK law firm to devise a white labelled trade mark registration service for other law firms. The Azrights solution is completely seamless, giving remote access to client files. As far as the clien...

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Azrights Solicitors – An Introduction to Intellectual Property

January 20, 2009

Our initial video show below is an introductory talk by Shireen Smith, outlining the areas of the law in which Azrights specialise, and how we can help you and your business.

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Azrights IP One – Intellectual Property Made Easy
January 11, 2017

There is no one size fits all when it comes to the actions you need to take to secure your IP. Protecting IP might involve doing some due diligence searches, registering rights, using appropriate documentation, and more. Your ...

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