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Apple granted a trademark over physical layout of the Apple Stores
April 24, 2013
Fifth Avenue Apple Store (Image courtesy of Wikimedia)

Trademarks can protect more than just a brand name or logo. Chocolate maker Cadbury successfully trademarked the shade of purple associated with the brand, while Coca-Cola...

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An Easy Settlement?

October 20, 2010

EasyJet has now settled a two-year long dispute with its investor and founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou over the use of the EASY’ brand name. EasyJet has finally managed to sort out a deal with Sir Stellios to end the...

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8 IP Myths and Misinformation Entrepreneurs Need to Note
February 12, 2021

One of the most serious problems with IP is that there are so many myths, and so much misinformation around it. The subject is not easy for people to understand, therefore, because they will be fed wrong information, sometimes...

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5th August 2010: Building an Outstanding Online Brand

April 23, 2010

An interactive workshop to be delivered by Shireen Smith, Solicitor at Azrights. Venue: British Library (follow link)

Building an Outstanding Online Brand – Essential Guide to Branding and Commissioning a Web Presence –...

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15th April 2010: Building an Outstanding Online Brand

February 9, 2010

An interactive workshop to be delivered by Shireen Smith, Solicitor at Azrights. Venue: British Library (follow link)

Building an Outstanding Online Brand – Essential Guide to Branding and Commissioning a Web Presence...

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25 November 2009: Building an Outstanding Online Brand

November 18, 2009

An interactive workshop to be delivered by Shireen Smith, Solicitor at Azrights. Venue: British Library (follow link)

Building on Outstanding Online Brand – Essential Guide to Branding and Commissioning a Web Presence...

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A Name is Where Your Brand Both Begins and Ends
September 24, 2012

At the recent launch party of the book, Legally Branded, I mentioned the importance of building a brand that is not only distinctive and powerful, but bulletproof.

One of the most important places to start is with your...

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Alibaba Counterfeit Goods Lead To Trademark Infringement Disputes
October 12, 2015

A recent dispute involving Alibaba counterfeit goods has risen between Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and a US apparel trade group over counterfeit products. Despite the attempts of the ecommerce giant Alibaba to fight selling of...

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AG’s Opinion in Scarlet v. SABAM: Impact on Digital Economy Act

April 18, 2011

The debate over file sharing is increasingly being presented as a stand off between property rights and civic rights, as the new opinion from the Advocate General, adviser to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), now...

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Aggressive Protection of IP, and the High Court ruling on the Digital Economy Act

May 9, 2011

The IPKat, reporting from the Fordham IP Conference, recently noted the upbeat tone of the keynote delivered by Victoria Espinel, White House IP Enforcement Coordinator.  While new technology may have rendered effective...

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A few simple questions
January 24, 2012

As it’s becoming more and more important to be customer focused we are aiming to better understand what people and potential clients need. So, we’ve created a Survey Monkey questionnaire around the subject of my...

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Adwords Trademark Policy – Using Competitors’ Names In Adwords
November 11, 2014

In a past blog post, we reported an earlier decision regarding trademark infringement, M&S and Interflora. Here we discuss last week’s Court of Appeal decision to retry the dispute between M&S and...

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